Here are some suggestions to get ready for your session:
4 Days before your appointment:
Reduce your screen time (TV, computer, video, computer games) of anything that has violent content.
Increase your time outside in Nature
Take care of your body
3 Days before your appointment
Each night for the next 3 nights before your scheduled appointment, please ask for a dream. If you receive a dream, make a note of it in a journal. If you have a number of dreams, note if there is a theme.
2 Days before the appointment
Journal about your recent feelings and experiences
1 Day before the appointment
Prior to your appointment, set a one sentence intention for our session.
On the day of your appointment Finally, on the day of the session you might want to make a small offering to your inner healer, your invisible support, your ancestors, or the land that holds you. Giving an offering is an act of reciprocity and will engage your heart and the Universe with your intention and build energy and momentum towards your session. Some suggestions for offerings include: flowers, seeds, food or other eco-friendly items. When you give your offering, hold the offering in your hands by you heart, bow your head to your heart, and whisper your intention and prayers to the offering. Then with gentleness place your offering in a quiet and gentle place in your home or somewhere in nature.