Working with plant medicine, we need to be supported in our lives to be able to gain the most benefit because this work can stir up pain from the past and leave us feeling very raw. This work requires preparation because while activating non-ordinary states through a plant medicine can be very powerful, the West is only just learning how to work ethically with people wanting to enter with these states in a professional and heart-centered way.
Compatibility Session
This is our first session together. During 60 minutes together, you will be invited to share your story. I will invite you to describe your inner emotional landscape, your worries, challenges, blocks & fears. Then we will look at where you want to go, what your longings, hopes, dreams, and yearnings are. Then I can give you my thoughts and intuitive sense of how we can journey together and how I can hold space for your healing & growth.
Intake Session
Our first task is to ensure that this work is safe for you. You will be asked to complete an intake questionnaire for the journey and we will go over your responces in the session together. We will discuss your health conditions, medication use, support network. Following the intake session, and after carefully considering the intake information we will make a decision whether it is safe for you to work with the plant medicine. If journey is safe for you we will continue with preparation and Intention Sessions. If there are some concerns for your safety, these will be explained.
Preparation Sessions
Here is where the preparation for the ceremony begins!
Our first task is to establish a therapeutic bond that will hold you through the ceremony. We will have 3-4 sessions focused on safety, intentions, preparation for the ceremony and tips for your journey.
We will focus on your intentions, discussing ways to prepare for the journey (emotionally, somatically, spiritually, ceremonially).
We want you to be in a good mindset for a few weeks prior to the journey and we will discuss your ways of getting into this mindset.
You will be given some instructions for the preparation of the journey and for the journey itself. We will talk about how to journey safely as you explore your inner world with the plant medicine.
We will discuss why plant medicine is asking us to treat her with respect and reverence and discuss how you can do so.
We will discuss things like touch during the journey, choice of music, and use of plant helpers (ie., burning herbs, essential oils).
The Journey (6-8 hours)
We will meet at around 11 am at a journey location
You will be in safe , contained and pleasant environment
We spend some time talking about your intention on the day of the journey
You will take the time co consume the medicine which comes as chocolate
The journey may be 4-6 hours long. Sometimes more time is required (8 hours total).
Once you consumed the medicine, you will lay down and be encouraged to go inwards
Your guide will be present and will encourage you not to be verbal as you explore your inner landscape and go on the inner journey
There will be music that provides nonverbal support for the journey
Your guide will always be by your side, offering support if needed.
There maybe times when you take off the mask and have interaction with your guide
We will have some food and you will be invited to share your experience.We will close the ceremony.
In addition to journey and one integration session, I offer continuous integration work. And also provide integration sessions for people who are returning home from plant medicine journeys that have been difficult, confusing or not held in a proper setting with reverence and respect.